
Cardiovascular Changes during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, cardiac output and blood volume increase from the second month up to the thirtieth week to 30–50% above the normal levels. The average increase in blood volume during pregnancy amounts to 1600 ml

There is also an increased metabolic workload. This produces warm extremities, a tachycardia with a large-volume pulse and a slight rise in venous pressure.

The diastolic blood pressure is lower due to vasodilatation, and this is responsible for the fading of the aortic regurgitation murmur.

The apex beat is displaced, because of cardiomegaly and a raised diaphragm.

The increased blood flow may produce a pulmonary systolic murmur and a third heart sound. All stenotic murmurs become more prominent.

Cardiovascular changes during pregnancy. [Source]

Maternal cardiovascular changes during pregnancy and labour from studies on patients in the lateral and supine positions (Mangano). [Source]

Percent of increase in the volume of plasma, red blood cells (RBC), and total blood during pregnancy, labor, and the puerperium (Bonica). [Source]



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