
Thyroid hormone receptor

The thyroid hormone receptor is a nuclear receptor. When it binds T3 it is able to bind to the thyroid hormone response element (TRE) in the promoter region of thyroid hormone responsive genes and initiates transcription.

Abbreviations: D1, deiodinase 1; D2, deiodinase 2; D3, deiodinase 3; rT3, reverse T3; RXR, retinoid X receptor; T2, di-iodothyronine; THR, thyroid hormone receptor; TSHR, TSH receptor.


  1. Is this illustration copyrjghted? How should I use as a figure to explain hormone receptor in a magazine in Japan? Should I show "(c)Absorb Medicine" or else?

  2. I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. Thyroid hormone
